Looking for a driving school to that offers driving lessons that fulfill CA DMV licensing requirements for teens? With TeenLicense.com, you get lessons by a licensed driving school and so much more. Not only do we teach basic driving skills in both residential and business districts, we also offer advanced classes for freeway driving, canyon driving, and DMV drive test preparation. Combine this with our state-of-the-art training vehicles, our industry-renowned instructors, and state-approved curriculum and you have a driving school experience that can't be beat!
We teach students to developing a good driving attitude that is both courteous to other drivers and utilizes defensive driving techniques
Learn it all: Rules of the road, street sign meanings, right-of-way procedures, and how to handle obstacles
Basic Driving Package includes an "introduction to the Freeway" which entails merging onto the freeway, driving on the freeway, discussing freeway basics, and exiting freeway
Take an additional Freeway Intensive Lesson: includes lane change practice, merging onto and exiting the freeway, handling freeway interchanges, and defensive driving techniques
Not only are our Instructors qualified, they are friendly, patient, and have had prior experience working with youths
We offer basic driving lessons as well as canyon lessons, freeway lessons, and DMV test preparation lessons
All applicable driver training packages come with DMV completion certificates with free delivery (and rush delivery available for an additional charge)
Get the feedback you want with customized progress reports made after each lesson for your son or daughter